DNA in action Bringing community together, advocating for you and defending our quality of life, that’s what we’re here for. miamidnainc Meeting with our sister association @bnamiami, ad Happy Martin Luther King Jr 2025 . “The time DNA met yesterday with various city of Miami offic The Bayfront Park management is doing testing on t May the Festival of Lights bring you and your fami Wishing you a harvest of blessings and a season fi Yesterday at the City Commission meeting, I called The DNA would like to thank commissioner Higgins @ Yesterday, the DNA hosted a townhall meeting to in Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples’ Day represe 𝐃𝐍𝐀 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 Our next community meet-and-greet is set for Octob Grateful the @downtownmia and city leaders listene You asked, and we listened. We have reduced our pr Today, I spoke on behalf of the community as presi Great meeting with key @CityofMiami stakeholders t Join us to learn about the DDA's budget for the up Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from Sept. 1 TOMORROW: Our friends at @bayfrontparkmia are host Load More Follow on Instagram